Michele Arrives in Colorado

Michele has checked in at TS 13, Cortez, CO some 769.2 miles into the race. Her speed has picked up to 9.92 for this section which if you look at the profile I have shown above and consider that she is 700 plus miles into this race doesn't seem that bad. It looks like Michele is over her quad issues and is moving well. Her problem in now one of time lost. She does absolutely need to maintain a strong pace to avoid the time cut off. That will be difficult with the next several Time Stations all having significant climbs. If she can stay on the bike and keep a strong pace then she can make the cut off in Taos, NM. After that she enters flat lands and has a chance to win back some of that lost time. We all really need to pull hard for Michele. I know she wants it and it is not going to be easy!

While I did not get any first hand accounts of last night's weather conditions I understand that the Monument Valley area was pretty difficult for racers with high winds blowing as reported by Vic's Raam Blog which you to can link to here. edited this section as the picture I guess is not Michele and Adrienne's backsides....ok no jokes.


CS said…
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CS said…
Go you, Mich!! Vas byt! (pronounced "fussbait" for non-Afrikanns speakers).

Love and hugs from all at Highmount Close. Even Jazzie is tracking you and looking at the blog. Thanks again to the crew for taking care of you.
Kim Freitas said…

Great job on some very tough sections, You've now cycled further than Paris Brest Paris, so that will be NO PROBLEM in 2011! You are on our mind every single minute, we are wishing you calmness, strength and much loving kindness in your relation to all things in the beautiful universe. Make the 1000 mile mark your shining goal. I hope you can then fall into a deep and restorative sleep and then continue with courage. We love you so much. David and Robert are doing an incredible job reporting the info they get from Adrienne and crew. Thank you all for taking care of our girl!
Unknown said…
Keep it going Michele - I know you can do it!! Sending thoughts of strength your way!

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