Day two on RAAM

The sun is up on the racers and Michele has reached Time Station 4, Salome, AZ. Michele arrived at Blythe, CA Time Station this morning at 5:15 am (again, raam time EST) which is on the Arizona / California boarder. 2 am local is a good time to ride through that part of the country. Michele arrived 24 and 30 minutes behind the lead two women racers (Janet Christiansen and Daniela Genovesi respectively)in Blythe.

As of right now the RAAM website shows Michele checking in at Salome, AZ TS 4 at 10:10 am with a total mileage of 293.7 miles for an average of 15.98 mph. This reflects a drop in overall mph but is no doubt a reflection of a short sleep break. The other ladies in the race have either not checked in at TS 4 or RAAM does not have their times in their system. So Michele may be leading the field of solo women at this point. They still have a very long way to go but so far it looks like Michele is riding a good strong steady race. The best way to reach the finish line.

Adrienne just called and confirmed that Michele has passed both Janet and Daniela.

David Bradley


msultra said…

It appears that Michele has ridden through the first night which was part of the plan. This would avoid as much of the daytime heat plus let her ride longer on fresh legs. I just received a call from the credit card company that Michele/Adrienne have a joint account for the race and they wanted to block the card since it was being used in multiple states at different gas stations (isn't this a normal thing anymore?). I explained what the race was to the person, he was blown away.

CS said…
Keep dem legs going, Mich!! Love from all at Highmount Close. We're watching you...

And thanks to your great team for taking such good care of you!
Unknown said…
Go Michelle! Your work friends are thinking of you and rooting you on!
Your picture is hanging at the nurses station so that we can send you good vibes all day long!
Kim Freitas said…
Hi Michele,
You're riding through night 2, I'm so excited about what you are doing. I did a spin class today and really tried to visualize where you were and how well your increidble crew is taking care of you. I'm sending your strong, calm thoughts. Hope your stomach has settled down. Stay safe and in God's hands.
Love Kim

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