Jubilant July 2017 Update – Fueled by NBH, Friends and Teammates
My July
BLOG – Fueled by NBH, Friends and Teammates
Wow what a month of fun, victory & gratitude!! Another semester of eight weeks of exams complete
& thankful for an A grade of 98% for my introduction to pharmacology. Physical training ramped up with three days
of four runs followed by a fabulous 750-mile bike ride from Davis to Oregon
Border and back with my confidence booster Kim Freitas. The heat was good
training for keeping hydrated and nourished. The stars were bright and the
nights made fun by riding with new friends from other states and warm welcomes
at the check points. The month culminated with me beating my personal best
Ironman time of 12h30 in 2007 with a remarkable 11h59. A big shout out to Felipe at Sports Basement
Sunnyvale for his expertise, wisdom & help in dialing in my bike fit to maximize
my performance in both events.
Now for the analysis of what caused the significant changes and the remaining areas of focus to get to THE “Kona IM”. Grateful to the Crossfit science and my Redwood City Box https://nc.fit/scheduleslocations for their acceptance and support. Grateful to Tim Sheeper for his inspiration and guidance with plant based whole food way of eating and all the wisdom shared during the week day training. Super grateful for Heidi Buttery Whole food nutritionist and Generation U Can Ambassador in her guidance and education of the power of cornstarch to stabilize blood sugar for everyday life and beyond the finish. See her informative website http://nutritionbyheidi.com/.
Ultimately my fun in triathlons would not be without the inspiration and support of my Team Sheeper triathlon coaches and teammates.
So, August brings Ultra Canada 520 aka Ultraman Canada as my
final big prep for Epic 5. I am writing
this blog early so people who want to follow the link for live updates will be
able to http://ultra520kcanada.com/
I will have two support crew: Jocelyn from Calgary and
Michel from Arizona. Both are triathletes. Michel is a physical therapist. The
event consists of three 12 hour days from 5 – 7 August. Saturday sees a 6mile
swim and 90-mile bike, Sunday will be 180-mile bike and Monday a double
marathon of 52 miles. These all equal to the metric figure of 520km hence the
name. There will be approximately 14
athletes and 5 females including two who have competed at Kona.
For the version with pictures, please e mail or message me. It is easier than figuring out how to upload pictures others have taken.
For the version with pictures, please e mail or message me. It is easier than figuring out how to upload pictures others have taken.