
Showing posts from 2017

Jubilant July 2017 Update – Fueled by NBH, Friends and Teammates

My July BLOG – Fueled by NBH, Friends and Teammates Wow what a month of fun, victory & gratitude!!  Another semester of eight weeks of exams complete & thankful for an A grade of 98% for my introduction to pharmacology.  Physical training ramped up with three days of four runs followed by a fabulous 750-mile bike ride from Davis to Oregon Border and back with my confidence booster Kim Freitas. The heat was good training for keeping hydrated and nourished. The stars were bright and the nights made fun by riding with new friends from other states and warm welcomes at the check points. The month culminated with me beating my personal best Ironman time of 12h30 in 2007 with a remarkable 11h59.  A big shout out to Felipe at Sports Basement Sunnyvale for his expertise, wisdom & help in dialing in my bike fit to maximize my performance in both events.   Now for the analysis of what caused the significant changes and the remaining areas of focus to get to...

Epic Year Dawning June 2017

JUNE 2017 The eve of a new year of living in gratitude for great opportunities and people to support my adventures big and small. If you are reading this post then you are wanting to follow my JOURNEY of training for two big events before my Fall grad school semester.  Yes, the next 10 weeks should be a fun adventure of training and mostly a whole food, plant based diet. Yay for finally getting closer to 100% whole food, plant based diet.  I am super thankful for my tri coach who started my mental transition.  Others have fuelled the journey and include NoMeatAthlete who are honest about their own evolution in this type of lifestyle. Small changes make lasting habits easier. Training for what? Two events - why - Because I can and because I am on vacation for most of August from grad school and teaching, so time to play. Beginning of August sees a trip to Canada for the Canada 520 km which is based on Ultraman Canada- a three day stage event from Saturday 5 Augus...