my heart is full .....Eads,co

HI All

Wow What an incredible privelege. I am meeting the most incredible people hence the title of todays blog is based on a song "My heart is full, my love just keeps on growing here by the grace of God I ride." I tweeked the words a little. I did not have much sleep last night but fantastic hospitality all bei it a bit strange and ghost like in appearance. It is lucky I have such a strong faith so not to worry too much but my antennae and radar were working overtime. I think I was more exhausted than I realised too. I got into Boone at 7pm and stopped to look at a map. There were couches outside the post office and troughs of water. Larry appeared and asked where I was heading and said there was no way I would make it by nightfall to ORdway. I was however glad to be out of Pueblo- not a place one needs to visit. He showed me the adventure cycling cards and notebooks and offered hospitality and laundry. It all turned out like an unbelivable dream that kept me laughing many miles this am. It was especially funny that I had thought if someone offers me hospitality in Boone I would take it. It appeared. I am in heat and headwinds of the high plains of Co into Ka probably until I fly out.

Keep smiling all,Michele


Kim Freitas said…
Hi Michele,
Great to hear about your progress on your Ride across Ameria. Good to hear you are encountering kindness and hospitality along the way. Kansas will hold many miles of corn fields, cross winds and sticky heat -- and a real understanding of the immensity of the country. Keep up the good work and we look forward to seeing you soon.


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