Raam has started

At 12 pm (PST) the Women RAAM racers and Men Masters (60 +) began their epic race from Oceanside, CA to Annapolis, MD. All times are reported in RAAM time (EST, military) and I will stay with that convention.

Michele reached the first Time Station in Lake Hensaw, CA at 18:50 today. A total of 54.5 miles in 3 1/2 hours for an average speed of 17.87 mph.

Crew Chief Adrienne called me from past Time Station 1 at Christmas Tree Circle, in Borrego Springs, CA which is a designated support area for crew to service racers. Adrienne reported that Michele was riding well, eating and drinking as she should be (very important in Ultra races). So far things seem to be going according to plan for Michele.

Past experience says after the first night most racers and crew get into the rhythm of what they are doing, they are find was is working and what isn't, with the crew making adjustments.

I'll post more as I hear it.

David Bradley


waltz319 said…
"Those who hope in the Lord whill renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Is 40v31).

Well done Mich on your first time line! Great job everyone. Love, me
Unknown said…
Well Done Michelle, We are cheering for you all the way from England!!!
Gina and Marco

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