2011 Summer adventure x2 = Raam
Well we will see what the next 2 weeks brings besides renewed energy and answers for my career passion I hope. On 21 Aug I start 750 mile bike from Saint Quentin en Yvelines in France to a coastal town called Brest and back within a 90 hr time period. See my FB for my number and link.
FB will have the updates from Enduroman Arch to Arc triathlon adventure. It starts with 87 mile run from Marble Arch in central london to the coast, EC swim with a wetsuit and then 180 mile bike from Calais into Arc de Triomph in central Paris.
I want to thank each person who has been so encouraging and helpful in my training over the last few weeks. I will run, swim and bike with gratitude as I think of the fun memories we shared to make the miles smoother and faster.
Kathy E for spending 3 hrs at Santa Cruz with me Jenn K for SFO marathon inspiration Tim W for Ultimate at 4pm on Sunday and his patience in running with legs who had already run 26 miles. Ian & Kim H for spending a whole Saturd...