
Showing posts from June, 2008

Finally......I start to blog

Wow - what a year. I have just come back from a great 27 mile easy rd run in prep for badwater. I think it is all about having a real vacation. I seem to have returned from my 4person 8 day race across america so very refreshed mentally despite feeling like I have a lot of sleep to catch up on. Maybe it is my age creeping up on me. Yes I did turn a whole year older the day before we left Oceanside for Arizona. But I am still in my 30's long may they last. I have just been offered a chance to do my triple ironman again and I guess as I dont have time, date and or opportunity for a regular ironman I may end up doing it if God makes a way for work to give me the permission. Watch this space for final outcome. Well good for now. I will try to get word out about this blog. Thanks to all who read it and leave positive and motivational comments.